Oh, and he was awake pretty much the entire time, despite a full belly and a warm house.
Hi, kiddo!

Okay, seriously, Alex? You're only a week old. How are you this alert and look like you totally know what's going on??

Yes, yes, you've melted my heart, stop it with this adorable looks!!

I just got this new coal bucket. It's OLD. It belonged to my grandmother's grandmother. I was at my grandma's house and saw it hanging from the ceiling, and jokingly said, "Hmm, I wonder if I could put a baby in there?" And just like that, it was mine! I also said it about a cool white porcelain jug...only....it was a chamberpot. So probably no babies in there.

We generally try to get pictures with no paci, but this is so sweet and he's so calm and relaxed....I love it.

Mom says he usually sleeps like this,

Mom clearly follows the blog, because when I got out my little collection of hats, she was so excited to get a picture of him with the bear hat.

Oh, there's something so sweet about this picture, of Alex sleeping in Dad's arms while I changed setups. I just had to get a quick picture of it.

Can you spot the newborn?

We had a lot of fun with this shelf, switching out the props for different things that had meaning to the family - wedding pictures, words, their last initial, and a sonogram.

He was just soooo sweet laying there...look at those tiny hands!

How cute is this little family?

Ignore the backwards logo here...I didn't decide until just now that I wanted to flip the picture.

Oh, man, was he a fun little one to shoot. And soooooooo freaking cute! I can't wait to see him grow up....and see if his hair stays this thick and dark! Thanks so much for having me, you guys!
Lara, this is an amazing session! I love all the shots! Great work!
this is hands-down one of the most adorable newborns I have ever seen!
OHMYGOD. Can I please have this child?! SO FREAKING CUTE!
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