Photos by Lara
Lara Hanlon Welcome to the blog of Lara Hanlon Photography! Enjoy checking out some of my latest work and news, and as always, feel free to contact me if you have any questions!

I still have a few slots left for 2013 weddings and have started booking 2014 weddings! Shoot me an email to get your session on the calendar!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

jessica and dennis : omaha wedding photography

Whoops, did I say Dennis? I meant Wags. It took me a few moments when I first arrived at the hotel to start the getting ready pictures to figure out who everyone was talking about. "Is Wags here yet?" "Where's Wags?" "What time is Wags getting here?" Ahhhh...Wags was Dennis. And Dennis was SO Wags that people didn't always know who I was talking about when I called him Dennis! :)

This was a FUN wedding. I'll tell you a little interesting tidbit about the bride later in the post. But to start...the basics.

When I got to the hotel room (at the Magnolia, which is near and dear to my heart since it's where I got married!), I saw this beautiful tulip arrangement.


And I saw a beautiful dress, with what might be a beautiful bride under it.

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Ah, yes. Beautiful! Indeed.



INDEED, indeed., Wags...has no idea what's about to hit him!


Just as we were getting ready to head out to the church, a bridesmaid showed up with these.


These can only mean one thing.

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Okay, onto the church.

This is St. John's...also a place that has a real meaning to me, as it's where my mom and dad...and grandma and grandpa! married, and it's where I was baptized.

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Remember how I said this wedding was fun? This was one of the reasons:

Wager_Blog_022 Wager_Blog_023 was time for the ceremony to begin. Love this picture of Den - Wags!!! - waiting for his bride to come down the aisle, surrounded by his guys.


Here she comes!




What a beautiful church!

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They did it!!


Then it was onto the trolley. And lest you think the girls were the only ones to have a little fun....

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We hopped out at the Old Market for some group pictures before making our way to the hotel.



Then we cut the bridal party loose for a few pics of just Jessica and Wags. Dennis. Sorry, I just can't do it! :)


OH. WAIT. I can't believe I hadn't mentioned this before now. Remember how I said Jessica was an awesome bride?



Did you spot it? Maybe this will help.


White sequined Sketchers. And those were her ceremony shoes, too, she didn't just change into them for these pictures!



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And onto the reception at the Magnolia. I love this hotel to bits.

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Another reason why I loved their wedding so much was because they used my colors! Green and brown. Apple green and chocolate, as I preferred to say. Slimer and poo, as my good friend Darbi said. But she's kind of a jerk.

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Okay, now prepare yourself for this, because just posting this picture has made my stomach start growling and my mouth watering.


There were green cupcakes and a groom's cupcake cake in the shape of an N for Nebraska (Go Huskers!) and an actual wedding cake too.

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But oh, my gosh, I could NOT get enough of these perfect, amazing cupcakes.


Mmmmmmmmmmmm. That might derail my diet just by looking at it. Sigh. Chocolate. Sigh.

Ahem. Moving on. Cake cutting!

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I got to sit at the kid's table. But that was NOT a bad thing. Check these cutie patooties out!

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Speeches. Well, one of them...a lot of people spoke. :)



I think there was some tattling by a sister going on here, and this was mom's reaction.


Okay. Remember waaaaaaay earlier when I said there was an interesting piece of trivia about Jen?

She's an Omaha Roller Girl! One of the first things she did when we got to the reception was make a beeline towards her ladies at their table.


And pull them out for a quick dance.


And make them introduce their rollerderby names.

Here we have Doozer, Sharon Misery, and Bruiseberry Muffin.


Bruiseberry Muffin again, someone who Jessica will have to help me out with, and Vicious Vinny.


And Scarlett O'Scara and Allie BamaSlamHer.


I should also mention that the tall brunette in the wedding party is Daisy Mayhem. And Jessica's name? Helena Bangem Harder. Freaking love it!

I hear I have a standing invite to a game. I'm dying to go! Who's in?? Also, remember these ladies...they'll make another appearance later in the post.

After that warm-up, it was time for the really important dance. The FIRST dance. Yes, she's "vogue-ing" to him in that middle picture.

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And parent dances.

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And the bridal party!



Then the all-important bouquet and garter toss.


I can't tell you how much I love the first picture of Jessica waiting for her groom.

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The band had the girls and guys each put on a little show for us.



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Outside for a little fresh air. I really love this place.


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Another appearance by the roller derby girls.


And then...after Jess left...a strange request from one of them.

"Come up to the bridal suite with us!"


"Trust me, you'll want to get pictures of this."


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Haha, NICE! I hope you enjoyed your wedding night surprise, Jessica and Dennis! :)

I grabbed a last picture of the band singing before I headed out for the night.


What a great time. So much fun, and such a great group of friends! Thanks so much for having me, Jessica and Dennis!


dub said...

lara, those are absolutely beautiful pics. some of my faves!

Temple & Nick said...

Great pictures. You do have a thing for cupcakes, don't you? And I love the Magnolia hotel too, for a very obvious and adorable reason...wink wink ;)
Good job Lara!

Mama H said...

What an amazing wedding!! I envy you for getting to shoot it. From beginning to end, I was entertained.
And I am NOT a jerk! But my sister is cuz she rarely comments on MY blog...haha ;)

Jess said...

You did such an awesome job and you were so much fun to have there! My Derby name is Helena Bangem Harder (spin off of the actress). And yes you must come to a game there are 2 coming up in the next month
Thanks so much!