Photos by Lara
Lara Hanlon Welcome to the blog of Lara Hanlon Photography! Enjoy checking out some of my latest work and news, and as always, feel free to contact me if you have any questions!

I still have a few slots left for 2013 weddings and have started booking 2014 weddings! Shoot me an email to get your session on the calendar!

Friday, June 12, 2009

sarah and zach : omaha engagement photography

Or, rather "engagement" pictures. Because Sarah and Zach have been married for two years! Zach was in the navy, so they had a secret wedding before he had to leave for Iraq (truly secret, as in "Sshhhhhh, don't tell anyone Sarah and Zach are married!" But he's been back for a while now, and now they're ready to do the traditional, big, fun wedding!

I've known Sarah since she was nine and I was fifteen, as she was the younger sister of one of my best friends in high school. The fact that she's married? Makes me feel OOOOOOLLLLD. And I've always loved her; she's tons of fun to be around, a complete goofball and a riot. Not to mention gorgeous. Zach is a LUCKY guy!

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Seriously, she could model, no?


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Oh, yes, I made them jump.


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My favorite thing about this picture is how she's up on tip-toe. Adorable!


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We saw these swans on the lake...we wondered for a moment if we'd be able to get them to make a heart shape with their necks. Alas, no amount of pleading paid off.


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Love again.

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So hot!

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Funny story about the above pics...when they were doing that, an older couple passed between us, and they didn't notice me. When I stepped back up to take the picture, they laughed and said, "Oh, we didn't realize that you were taking their picture! We thought they were just being sweet!"

This is my FAVORITE from the day, and I don't know why. I just love it.


We took this one as an inside joke...Sarah loves to shop. Like, LOVES to shop. Maybe even LOVES to shop. Zach....not so much. Apparently this scene has played out many times in their relationship.


I am SO lucky to have such great brides and grooms. Really, I am! They've all been so gorgeous and so NICE and fun! Sarah and Zach definitely continue that tradition. I can't imagine what all of Zach's navy buddies thought when he got pictures from home of his SMOKING hot wife.

Can't wait til July, you two!


Troy said...

Hmm Dont make them purcahse the shot of the birds...that would be mean. Oddly this is the first time Ive seen your Blog! I love the grey and green colors...those the colors we are moving to for one day.

jpentis said...

You've done it again, Lara. Beautiful pictures of a beautiful couple. You are such an artist. I hope you are available for my wedding someday.

Darbi G. Photography said...

First of all, I'm sorry my brother is so insensitve and leaves a comment that doesn't compliment the EXCELLENT photography. Sigh.

Anyway.... I'm not just saying this to make you feel good... this is by far my most favorite engagement set of yours ever.You can totally tell that the couple has a chemistry....not only with each other...but with you and the camera. ROCKED it!! My fave fave fave pic is the one with the kiss behind the gate.

Sigh. LOVE!

stacy mcpeek-smith said...

This is by far one of the best engagement sessions I have seen in a loooong time! They are gorgeous!