One change of clothes and a location later...
How fabulous is Christina's dress? So perfect for this place!

Yes, please. (P.S. Could Christina look MORE like a model in this pic?? I don't think so.)

After all those amazing locations, you'd think maybe that we couldn't top them.
Then we saw this amazing red wall outside a bar and grill...covered in chalk drawings and writing. We scouted out some chalk of our own and had fun. I cannot tell you how much I love these last few pictures.




Between these pictures! I couldn't pick a favorite if you held a gun to my head and threatened to take away my camera. The wall, the colors...THE MARK AND CHRISTINA...it's all too perfect.
I can't WAIT for your wedding, guys!!
I can't wait for their wedding, either, Lara! And I'm not even invited. haha
But seriously, it's clear that they have a chemistry with each other...AND with your camera. You rocked this one... in ALL locations. First one at the top is a fave...and some of the red wall ones...and the ones where they sorta blend in with the background...and...and...ok, I better stop now.
I soooo want to get married again....and have all 5 of my kids again so you can take all the pictures I don't have. You are SO good, and am gald we had the chance to meet at Rachel and Kyle's wedding so I can stalk...er...keep up with what you are doing!
Jenny(former Mercy girl!)
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