Oh, I did gawk at all the amazing cameras and lenses that abounded. I took a picture of every one I could. :) Here's a little montage:
I also people-watched, which was a blast.
This was funny because LSU wasn't even playing in this game.

Texas was.

As was MSU. I'm not sure what an "L" has to do with MSU, however. And I never did see any of the other letters so I have no idea what they were spelling out.

Let me say that MSU did not have the only body painted fans in attendance that day. Did, uh, I mention Texas?

Wait, here's another person with LSU beads! They're everywhere!!

However, this kid can be forgiven on account of his adorableness.
Here's where we were sitting. I love the colors here...red, yellow, blue, green....they might be advertising for Google.

Mmmmmmmmmmm stadium food. I love it. LOVE IT. Seriously, any event like this, I eat everything I can get my hands on. Soft pretzels, funnel cakes, brats, Dippin' Dots, GYROS (!!), garlic fries....I love it all. I may have a stomach ache by the time I get home, but it's soooooooo worth it.

Speaking of food....and string fries....
Before.....and after!

Is this a bit like wearing the band's t-shirt to their concert?

It was about here that Jen and Al took off (probably to have a few hours away from me, since I'd shot them ten hours the day before and a good five hours already this day!). With no gorgeous bride and groom to shoot, I focused on the game.

I love the way the batter's and catcher's arms mirror each other here. (I'm shooting through netting, hence the faint black lines through the pics).

I kind of can't even tell you how much I love this picture of the Texas catcher.

Uh oh. You ain't doin' so hot, pitcher.

I have a special place in my heart for lefties. Go leftie!

Ah, well, you tried.

Hey, Erin Andrews, get off the field!

Texas, you're down. And you're supposed to win! Let's see what you can do at bat.

PSSST. There's a game going on! Pay attention! Stop looking at Erin Andrews!

Around this time, the sky was freaking amazing when paired with the bright stadium lights. ATTENTION BRIDES: Please consider getting married at night on a well-lit baseball field.

This situation was getting desperate. Texas fans were worried!

Isn't there anything anyone can do to help Texas win??

YES! Rally cap FTW!

Yes, yes, rally cap, you're working!

This kid was pitching his heart out.

They did it!

Good try, MSU! Maybe next year! (Bring your rally caps!)

Heading out, I was glad I didn't have to clean the stadium.

We saw the Texas girls again on our way out. Hook 'em horns, indeed. Perhaps this would be a good place to point out I'm not actually a Texas fan, and whenever we go to Austin for SXSW, we do a downward hook 'em horns at the stadium. No offense to any of my Texas readers, of course...I'm from Nebraska! I can't be a Texas fan! ;)

Man, that was fun.
Thanks again to Jen and Al for letting me come with them!!
And thanks to my brother for being my assistant that day...even though there ended up not being a lot for him to do. :)

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