Photos by Lara
Lara Hanlon Welcome to the blog of Lara Hanlon Photography! Enjoy checking out some of my latest work and news, and as always, feel free to contact me if you have any questions!

I still have a few slots left for 2013 weddings and have started booking 2014 weddings! Shoot me an email to get your session on the calendar!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

becca and scott : lincoln wedding photography

My bevvy of beautiful brides continues this week with Becca, and her equally handsome groom Scott! They got married in Lincoln a few weeks ago, and I was lucky enough to have the incredibly talented Heidi Keene shoot with me!

Ah, all the getting ready accouterments of the bridal it.

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Becca was absolutely stunning.


As was her dress!



I love this capture of the bouquet that Heidi caught. Funny story - while she was getting this shot she was laying on the ground in the parking lot (oh, what we photographers do for that perfect angle!), and one of the bridesmaids came driving in, and saw her and thought she was dead! She about had a heart attack herself when Heidi got up and moved! :)


Then the girls were ready to go!


Which was perfect timing, as the guys were just arriving! Heidi spent some time with the guys while I was with Becca and the girls.

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While I started shooting the bridal party coming down the aisle during the ceremony, Heidi was backstage with Becca and her father and got this amazing shot. So emotional!

Becca_Scott_Blog_041 was wedding time!






There's a funny story about this picture that Heidi grabbed and
why I'm leaning into the shot on the right.

Becca and Scott almost walked down the aisle without kissing!

I KNOW! Can you believe it??

The priest never really said "You may kiss the bride" or anything
like that, so they just started walking down the aisle without doing
that completely essential step! So yes, that's me on the right,
whispering "KISS!!!" to them.




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One of the many, many reasons Becca and Scott were so extremely fantastic was that they scheduled a ton of time for pictures. On the way to the reception, the wedding party stopped at the Sunken Gardens for a few fun pics.



Then we kicked them out, and got some with just the newly married couple.

They were adorable.



Does Becca not have the most amazing smile?


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Then we left the park and headed to the reception area, where we had time for even MORE pictures of just the two of them. Seriously, if you are planning a wedding - DO THIS. These will be your favorite pictures!

Another great catch by Heidi!


We were driving in a golf cart in front of them to the photo sites. To get these pictures, I was riding in the back of the golf cart, where the bags go. I had to hold my legs up (talk about a quadricep workout!), and I looped my arms through the golf bag holders so I could take pictures and not fall off. I'm sure I looked ridiculous!

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LOVE LOVE LOVE - wide angles by me, closeups by Heidi.

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Here's Heidi being all intrepid and daring and going into a ditch to get more amazing pictures. :) GO HEIDI!


One of my favorite shots of the day, by Heidi!


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Since their wedding was at a golf course - and Scott is a golfer - it was only appropriate to get some golf-themed ring shots!

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First dance!

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Then, just as I was last shot into the sunset.


Thanks SO MUCH, Becca and Scott, for including me in your day! And a huge thank you to Heidi for all her great work too!


Becca Mausbach said...

Thank you Lara for helping make our day so amazing! You captured some of the most emotional moments of the day and now we can cherish them forever! Your work is truly amazing! We can't wait to use you again for future events ;)

Darbi G. Photography said...

LOVE THIS WEDDING! Great photos, Lara & Heidi. You make a stellar team. :)

Temple & Nick said...

Lara--gorgeous pictures! I'm assuming this is the wedding I wish I could have helped with. Totally bummed that I couldn't now. I would have enjoyed being there to see YOU being the one telling them to kiss. I LOVE that! :O)


Christine said...

I was all confused at first and thought the golf ball had your logo on it! Hahaha!

This is absolutely gorgeous! What a wonderful wedding!