Photos by Lara
Lara Hanlon Welcome to the blog of Lara Hanlon Photography! Enjoy checking out some of my latest work and news, and as always, feel free to contact me if you have any questions!

I still have a few slots left for 2013 weddings and have started booking 2014 weddings! Shoot me an email to get your session on the calendar!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

venice, italy : travel photography

Tilt/shift action in Venice, Italy....



TheAnaJo said...

I love the focusing of this picture! You have good taste!

Unknown said...

LOVE the tilt-shift! Everything looks like a beautiful tiny model!

Timothy E Kaldas said...

Laura, that's a gorgeous shot. The color of the light at sunset is beautiful and it's fading in the side bokeh is perfect. It makes me miss Venice a lot.

David Redding said...

Very nice! Great processing, fits in very well with the t/s

Unknown said...

So beautiful.

JordyC said...

Nice shot, is that a true tilt/shift lens, or Photoshop wizardry? You seem to see t/s shots with a horizontal plane of focus so much more often than a vertical, makes the shot even more eye catching.

Photography by Lara said...

Jordy, it's true tilt shift! 45mm t/s lens by Canon. :)

JordyC said...

Toys don't come cheap, I writhe in envy at your good fortune :)