Photos by Lara
Lara Hanlon Welcome to the blog of Lara Hanlon Photography! Enjoy checking out some of my latest work and news, and as always, feel free to contact me if you have any questions!

I still have a few slots left for 2013 weddings and have started booking 2014 weddings! Shoot me an email to get your session on the calendar!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

personal : thirst relief international you've commented on my blog to help feed the homeless. Which ROCKS! And good karma to you! But now you want to do what to do??

There's an amazing, fantastic organization called Thirst Relief International, which provides drinking water to some of the 1.1 billion people in the world who don't have access to clean, safe drinking water. Can you believe that? 1.1 BILLION. They help set up water filters or wells that are locally sustainable. I heard about through Bob Davis, who I met at the Italy Workshop. This weekend I had the opportunity to have dinner with Bob and meet his beautiful wife Dawn and hear more about this amazing organization. Bob recently went on a mission trip there and got some fantastic pictures - you can check them out here. I'm running out of words to describe these pictures and this organization...I keep returning to "amazing." But it is SO. AMAZING. If you have even $5.00 to spare - as in, forgo that coffee one day this week! - please consider donating to this cause. For every dollar you donate, a karma dollar will come back to you!*

*Not guaranteed, but pretty darn likely.