Photos by Lara
Lara Hanlon Welcome to the blog of Lara Hanlon Photography! Enjoy checking out some of my latest work and news, and as always, feel free to contact me if you have any questions!

I still have a few slots left for 2013 weddings and have started booking 2014 weddings! Shoot me an email to get your session on the calendar!

Monday, November 30, 2009

beth and rick : omaha engagement photography

Beth and Rick continue the trend of gorgeous couples that I've been lucky enough to shoot...and not only do they continue it, but they raise the bar! We went to the old Omaha area favorite, the Old Market, for their engagement pictures.

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I mean, really? Is this even FAIR?? Doesn't the universe implode when two people this beautiful find each other? :)


Can you believe they were wearing shorts and sandals? Sigh. It was only a couple months ago, too. Warm weather, come back!


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A quick change of clothes later, and we were at it again!

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We had to grab one at the Upstream...where they got engaged!!

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Shooting their wedding in April is going to be a BREEZE! I could do it with my eyes closed and any picture with these two in it would come out fantastic. I can't wait to see you guys in the spring!


Unknown said...

LOVE them! :)

Laura Ivanova said...

Gorgeous pics Lara!! What a cute couple!

Mama H said...

Amazingness all around..... faves are the ones with writing on the wall.... :)

Melinda said...

I'm 95% sure I went to high school with that guy.