Photos by Lara
Lara Hanlon Welcome to the blog of Lara Hanlon Photography! Enjoy checking out some of my latest work and news, and as always, feel free to contact me if you have any questions!

I still have a few slots left for 2013 weddings and have started booking 2014 weddings! Shoot me an email to get your session on the calendar!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

best bridal party entrance....ever!!!

This is too awesome not to share. I was cracking up....and at the end I TEARED up! I have no idea was just that awesome.

(the good stuff starts at 00:30 if you want to skip a little of the beginning)

And though I'm a photographer, I will say this: if you have something completely amazing like that planned, get a videographer. Seriously - I don't know that still photos can ever do it justice!


Erika Jackson said...

That's awesome. I cried at the end when the text came up :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing!! I love that so much!!! How awesome that their church/officiant let that go down...and she was up there dancin too!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my God!! I bawled through the WHOLE thing!! It was pure joy! It was so joyful you can't contain it. My sister Katie WILL be doing that. Plus---I just love that song! Damn you Chris Brown!

Katie Willis said...

Hahaha! Love it! I teared up at the end too! Erin, I'd love to do this at my wedding....however, if Father Salinitro happens to be the Priest.... this won't fly, so we'll need to find a great place for me to get married who will let me do this! Haha.