Okay, not really. I sadly don't have the $1200 to spare on a novelty lens. Although I LOVE the effect. So if anyone out there is looking to be a sugar daddy or sugar mama to a photographer, you can start by getting me that lens. :)
While I don't have the actual lens, I can fake it. While it's not as good as having the lens itself, it's close. And to me, this picture was just screaming for a tilt-shift effect.

Ok, I'm not gonna lie...I actually tried it on TWO pictures. I couldn't stop!

::Update!:: The wedding posts are up! You can check out part one here and part two here.
Lara, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the pictures! I am so glad we took the adventure to get such great shots!
it's only novelty for some people :)
True, Benj....I don't want it to be a novelty for me. I want it to be my ONLY lens. :)
Jen, I'm soooo glad! I can't wait to get the rest done! And also glad we didn't get shot!
More, more, more, please!
How did you fake it?!?!
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