She has a fantastic white dresser in her bedroom, which makes for a very sweet picture when combined with a pink tutu - an accessory every girl should have!

How much fun is this stuffed elephant rocker? I can think of one person - one of my best friends, Wendy (a new mom herself and a fantastic graphic designer) - who would kill for it. Heck, I don't have any kids and *I* would kill for it. :)

An outfit change later, and she's still mugging for the camera.

We sat her on the window seat to get some pictures, and she immediately bolted for the books. The kid is fearless - barely walking and she stood up on the narrow ledge and went right for them! You can't see mom holding onto her just out of the frame, but she's there. :)

She just LOVES to look at - and chew on - books. She's going to be one heck of a reader! Mom said this is what her nursery usually looks like.

Doesn't she melt your heart?

Some flying kisses from mom later, the session was over. I missed her as soon as I left!

Lara! These are some of my favorite kid photos of yours EVER!! Such a good job getting her wide-eyed-ness (I know, not a word)... I love love love the one with her in the tutu in front of her dresser. So perfectly bright! AHHHHHH LOVE
Absolutely Precious without a doubt!! Great Job capturing those beautiful eyes!!!
I am so excited for Lincoln's 6 month pictures with you-these are so cute! A friend of mine has a similar rocking toy to that elephant, but it is a snail. so cute!
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